Petalinux Installation Procedure for CentOS on VMWare & Ubuntu

Download this Tutorial on “Installing Petalinux on Ubuntu or CentOS-PDF” or follow following method:

Note: This tutorial is verified for installing Petalinux 2018.2, 2018.3 and 2019.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7.x.

1.     Download PetaLinux tools from Here.

Download PetaLinux 2018.2 Installer(TAR/GZIp -6.15 GB) file from above link. This will download file called ‘’

2.     PetaLinux 2018.2 supports the following OS
  • Red Hat Enterprise Workstation/Server 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 (64-bit)
  • CentOS 7.2, 7.3, 7.4(64-bit)
  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04.3 (64-bit)

Minimum Workstation Requirement for PetaLinux tools:

  • 8 GB RAM(recommended minimum for Xilinx tools)
  • 2 GHz CPU clock or equivalent(minimum of 8 cores)
  • 100GB free HDD space

You can also install older versions according to your requirements and hardware support.

For in-depth installation requirements refer to Userguide-1144

3.     Packages required

PetaLinux requires a number of standard development tools and libraries to be installed on your Linux host workstation. Install the libraries and tools listed in the following:

dos2unix, ip, gawk, gcc, g++(gcc-c++), xvfb, git, make, netstat, ncurses devel, tftp server, zlib devel(also, install 32-bit of this version), openssl devel, flex, bison, libselinux, gnupg, wget, diffstat, chrpath, socat, xterm, autoconf, libtool, tar, unzip, texinfo, zlib1g-dev, gcc-multilib, build-essential, libsdl1.2-dev, libglib2.0-dev, SDL-devel, glibc-devel, 32-bit glibc, glib2-devel, automake, screen, pax, gzip, libstdc++

For specific versions of these packages according to your Host system refer to UserGuide-1144 Page Number 9.

You can check if these packages are installed in your system and install the missing ones before you run PetaLinux installer or PetaLinux will show you the missing packages during installation which you have install before proceeding the installation.

4.     Run PetaLinux Tools installer for CentOS 7.4

After you have downloaded the file ‘’ you can follow this steps.

  • Now change the directory to Downloads
    $cd /Downloads
  • Before you install make sure the directory you are installing PetaLinux has permissions 755. It is not mandatory to install tool in /opt/pkg/petalinux directory. You can install at any desired location that has the 755 permissions. To set the permission of directory 755 use the following command:
  • $ chmod 755 /opt/pkg/petalinux


    $ chmod 755 <installation-directory-of-your-choice>

    Also make sure ‘’ is executable. For this run command

    $ chmod +x ./
  • or
    $ chmod +x <downloaded-directory>/
  • Now you can run the file ‘’
$ ./
  • Without any options, the PetaLinux Tools are installed into the current working directory.
Alternatively, Here is the Steps for installing Petalinux on your specified directory:

For example: To install PetaLinux Tools under /opt/pkg/petalinux:

$ mkdir –p /opt/pkg/petalinux

$ ./ /opt/pkg/petalinux

This installs the PetaLinux Tools into /opt/pkg/petalinux directory.

  • Now the installation will start. During installation you have to agree to PetaLinux End User License Agreement (EULA). This is mandatory and integral part of the PetaLinux Tools installation process. During the installation you will see option to see license agreements and you should press ENTER to display the license agreements.
  • After viewing the license agreement press ‘q’ to close and you will have option to accept Xilinx End User License Agreement. You have to say yes to proceed further in the installation. Press ‘y’ and enter to agree.
  • There are three license agreements
    • Xilinx End User License Agreement
    • Webtalk Terms and Conditions
    • Third Party End User License AgreementsFor further information on these License refer to UserGuide-1144.
  • After agreeing to all the license agreements the installation will proceed. You will see a warning “You haven’t specified the installation location” if you have not specified the installation directory and you have to press ‘y’ and enter to proceed the installation further. In this case the PetaLinux will be installed in you current working directory.
  • Now you wait for the installation to complete. This will take around 30 minutes depending on your system performance. After installation you there are few steps to make bash shell recognize petalinux commands.
  • Goto installed directory, there you will find ‘’ file. Open a terminal in that directory by right clicking and choosing option open in terminal. Run the following command
    $ chmod +x  ./

    Now run the following command

    $ sudo gedit /etc/bashrc

    You will get prompt to enter your password. Enter the password and an editor will open.

    Enter the following line at end of the file

    source <petalinux-installed-directory>/

    And save the file, here is the example:

  • Verify that the working environment has been set by following command
  • $echo $PETALINUX

    If you get following reply

    PetaLinux environment set to ‘<petalinux-installed-directory>’
    INFO: Checking free disk space
    INFO: Checking installed tools
    INFO: Checking installed development libraries
    INFO: Checking network and other services
    WARNING: No tftp server found – please see “PetaLinux SDK Installation Guide” for its impact and solution

    the system is ready.

  • Congratulations!!! Now you can start working on PetaLinux.

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Tags: #Petalinux #Installation #Linux #Ubuntu #CentOS #2019.1 #2018.2 #FPGA #Xilinx