If you are planning to buy Oscilloscope then USB Oscilloscope like Analog Discovery 2 might be the good option . USB Oscilloscope are low cost Oscilloscope, there are number of USB Oscilloscope with cost ranging from 170$-400$.
Similar Low Cost USB Oscilloscope are: DScope C20P [Cost: 179$], LabNation[Cost:229$] , PicoScope[Cost: $349]. However this are only those Oscilloscope which we have reviewed, so please review yourself also while buying it.
LogicTronix & Digitronix Nepal now have Analog Discovery USB Oscilloscope. Analog Discovery 2 is 2 channel,30MHz+ bandwidth, 100MS/s USB Oscilloscope along with Logic Analyzer and Variable Power Supply.We have a small Unboxing Session with this USB Oscilloscope. We are using this Oscilloscope for Digital Signal Processing and Noise Cancellation Project.
YouTube Playlist of Analog Discovery on: Unboxing, using Waveform Software, and using Analog Discovery 2 with Xilinx ISE ChipScope for Debugging Design.
For more details about Oscilloscope:
#analog #discovery #2 #debugging #30MHz #Bandwidth #tutorial #low #cost #Oscilloscope