

  1. White-Paper on “Pruning Neural Network for Inferencing on Vitis-AI/DNNDK & FPGA”, LogicTronix-WPL053: PDF Link [Read Now]
  2. White-Paper on “BF16 Performance Evaluation for solving Differential Equations using Neural Network”, LogicTronix-WPL061: PDF Link [Read Now]

Solutions Brief: High Frequency Trading [HFT] Infrastructure Series

  1. OUCH for High Frequency Trading with FPGA [SBL025]: PDF Link
  2. ITCH for High Frequency Trading with FPGA [SBL026] : PDF Link

Reference Tutorials: Machine Learning Acceleration

  1. Deephi DNNDK [Vitis-AI] Tutorial for Ultra96: PDF Link
  2. YoloV3-tiny: Darknet to Caffe with Xilinx DNNDK : PDF Link
  3. DPU TRD for ZCU104: Web Link
  4. DPU(3.0) TRD for ZCU106: Web Link
  5. MobileNetSSD with Xilinx DPU and DNNDK [June, 2019]: PDF Link
  6. Caffe Installation on Ubuntu 2016.4 [for CPU and GPU]: PDF Link

Reference Tutorials: Computer Vision

  1. Xilinx Video Processing Subsystem (VPSS) Feature Implementation on Zynq FPGA: PDF Link
  2. Video Mixer feature Implementation on Zynq FPGA: PDF Link
  3. Sobel Vivado HLS Kernel using AXI full interface: PDF Link

Reference Tutorials: Petalinux Development

  1. PetaLinux Development with the Custom VIVADO Project [LED Controller Project] : PDF Link
  2. Installing Vmware Workstation Pro in Windows: PDF Link
  3. Installing Petalinux on Ubuntu or CentOS: PDF Link

Reference Tutorials: Debugging and Verification

  1. XADC Implementation and Debug Verification on Xilinx 7 Series FPGA- Reference Guide: PDF Link

Reference Tutorials: VIVADO/Vitis and Linux

  1. Installing VIVADO on Linux Distros- Ubuntu/RedHat/CentOS: PDF Link
  2. Installing Vitis 2019.2 on Linux: Video Tutorial Link

Reference Tutorials: FreeRTOS Development [Git Project]

  1. Creating multi-task application on FreeRTOS : Git Project
  2. Creating Software timer for each Thread : Git Project

Reference Tutorials: Gstreamer Application Development [Git Project]

  1. Creating Embedded Linux project with PetaLinux : Git Project
  2. Device Tree in Xilinx Embedded Linux : Git Project
  3. Creating GUI with Gstreamer Pipeline for MPSoC on Petalinux development flow : Git Project

LogicTronix Tutorial Series at

Reference Guides:

  1. Reference Guide on VHDL
  2. Reference Guide on Verilog
  3. Reference Guide on Tcl Scripting for FPGA Design

Other Reference Guide from LogicTronix on FPGA Design

  1. PCIe Terminologies (from PCI to PCIe Gen 3): Reference Guide
  2. White paper document on PCIe Gen4 new features and it’s applications
  3. Reference Guide on Xilinx’s DMA Subsystem for PCIe: XDMA Example Design, Driver Installation, Debugging and Analysis Guide.
  4. lspci and setpci Reference Manual for Xilinx PCIe IP
  5. lspci and setpci scripts for automatic report generation and analysis
  6. Answer Record on Debugging at Device Startup (VIVADO ILA Trigger at Startup)
  7. Reference Guide: FPGA Design with OpenCL
  8. Reference Manual: Very High Speed Packet Processing System and Architecture: FPGA and Heterogeneous Computing Methodology
  9. Tcl Scripting for VIVADO Design’s for automation and Design/Verification: Reference Guide
  10. AXI PCIe and MIG based design with Xilinx 7 Series, Ultrascale and Ultrascale+ FPGA’s.

For Reference Guides, please write us at: