We have announced the Second Series on “Webinar Series on FPGA” in April 21, 2020. This webinar will start at May, 2020.
This “Webinar Series-II” will have following Webinars:
1. Partial Reconfiguration with FPGA: Creating x4R crypto project with Partial Reconfiguration Model
2. Machine Learning with Xilinx-Vitis-AI and MPSoC FPGA
3. Designing Machine Learning Processor in RTL(VHDL/Verilog)+HLS
4. PCIe based Development with FPGA: Developing with UltraScale and UltraScale+ FPGA from Xilinx
If you are interested on this Webinar Series-II, then please fill the registration form: https://forms.gle/1NAirkAspXhWWnKV8
We will send the schedule of the webinar to the registered enthusiast from email. Our Webinar are mainly LIVE at 9am-10am PST of Sunday [as the schedule]. So you can enjoy learning at weekend, while the recorded link of Webinar will also shared with the registered participants.
So you can enjoy learning at weekend, while the recorded link of Webinar will also shared with the registered participants.