Tag Archives: FPGA


LogicTronix is now Xilinx Certified Alliance Partner

Xilinx has recognized LogicTronix as a Certified Partner of the Xilinx Alliance Program, LogicTronix is also “Design Service Partner for AI/ML of Xilinx for Kria SoM”. The “Certified Partner” category require to complete rigorous and pre-defined certification process of the engineering team of partner company, by that process we were able to become “Certified Partner” of Xilinx.

Xilinx’s “Partnership” programs has three categories in which “Alliance Member” or “Member Partner” is the one, LogicTronix was on that tier of partnership since from early 2021. Another tier is “Certified Partner”, in this category there are very less number of qualified companies throughout the world, among them LogicTronix is the one now.

For more information about our Partnership with Xilinx, Services we offer, market we support, our design competencies and our FPGA IP Portfolio released via Xilinx IP Page, please visit: https://www.xilinx.com/alliance/memberlocator/1-1dturdk.html

LogicTronix has specialization on accelerating computer vision and machine learning applications on FPGA. We offer solution on Surveillance and Security, Finance and Embedded Applications/Solutions. We provide Design services on FPGA Design, turnkey solutions on AI/ML acceleration and also provide FPGA IP cores to our customers.

GotoLogicTronix-Xilinx Certified Partner Page[Link]