AI/ML in Finance

LogicTronix is developing solutions for Finance mainly targeting trading of Stocks, Bonds, ETFs and other financial instruments. We implement AI/ML and Reinforcement Learning for providing semi-autonomous or autonomous solution for traders, hedge funds and investment banks.

We have two main streams of solution on Finance!

  1. Automation on Trading of Stocks, Forex and other financial instruments
    • We implement Traditional Trading Strategies along with Machine Learning & Reinforcement Learning (+ Deep RL) for optimization of performance/tick and minimizing the risk while making buy/sale order.
  2. Providing Infrastructure Solutions and support on deployment of High Frequency Trading (HFT) Solutions for North American and Europen Markets
    • We create HFT infrastructures based on FPGA and GPU. And we accelerate HFT logical modules as TCP, Order Book, FIX/FAST protocol, OUCH/ITCH Protocol on FPGAs.

For more details on “ML/RL for trading” or “HFT with FPGA+GPU”, please write us at :